Spruce Up Your Curb Appeal This Spring In NOLA

Spruce Up Your Curb Appeal This Spring In NOLA


Yes it is here! Warmer weather, rainy days, pollen and yes Festing! Mardi Gras has come and gone, and so has St Patty’s Day, so next on our list of things are Fests, Fests, and more Fests!!! 

In between all the Festing, people are buying and selling homes! If you are looking to take advantage of the Spring Time hype of the real estate market, it is great to focus on getting the inside of your home ready and staged but don’t forget about the outside!! Your CURB APPEAL is the introduction to your home and first impressions are everything in real estate!! Creating an emotional draw to your home will bring the buyers running. =) 

Check out a few ways to step up your curb appeal

1. Give your Entry a Facelift 

Adding a new coat of paint to your Front Door can dramatically change the entrance to your home. Before you just start stripping it down, read these tips for painting your front door. If your door is really worn out, sometimes replacing it is the next best thing. 

2. Landscape your Yard. 

A well groomed yard shows a home is taken care of. Cut the grass, pull the weeds, add some fresh mulch are all simple ways to landscape your yard for your best curb appeal. 

3. Add Exterior lighting. 

Or make sure any exterior lighting you currently have is properly working. Replace light bulbs or broken fixtures. 

Adding lighting, can get real expensive, real fast. Check out some budget friendly outdoor lighting ideas. My favorite – The Vintage Charmers. 

Even better- these affordable Solar Outdoor LED lights from Target. Put them in your garden for a glow every night 

4. Wash all Windows inside and out. 

You may not even realize how dirty your windows are until you start cleaning them. Check out some tips to clean like a pro. 

5. Clean out your Garage . 

Ok so the garage isn’t necessarily outside your home, but it is still something people tend to forget about staging. Its the place all the clutter ends up in. Have a garage sale or move things to a new storage unit. Check out tips for organizing your garage 

6. Add a Pop of Color by Planting Flowers 

A pop of color can really make your home stand out. If you opted to not paint your front door, add some color in your garden with some low maintenance perennials 

7. Replace your Worn out Welcome Mat 

Your welcome mat that has been there since you moved in, needs some replacing. Maybe opt for something cute like “wipe your paws here’, or some Southern flare with “welcome y’all” 

8. Paint or Replace Street Numbers 

This can be a fun project for show your style where you least expect it. New modern numbers can show a clean design that you may have never thought of. 

9. Paint or Replace the Mailbox 

Chances are, your mailbox is close to original too. A new rust free mailbox can go a long way. If you are thinking about trying to move location or anything else, check with USPS for guidelines on installing and moving mailboxes 

10. Pressure Wash Outdoor Surface. 

Pressuring washing alone can make a night and day difference on how a home looks on the outside. Don’t under estimate the power of this small task. Weigh your pros and cons of doing it yourself or asking a pro. 


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